March 12, 2008

Fashion Statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't have time to change after working out before I had to pick up Shaylee. So I went to her school to pick her up looking like this. I walked in her room and my daughters mouth dropped wide open. She said, "Mom, I cannot believe you are wearing those shorts. Those are your pajamas and they look disgusting. How embarassing, let's hurry to the car so nobody will see you." I didn't think I looked that bad. I guess I have to worry about not embarassing my five year old. Is it already starting? What am I thinking taking fashion advice from my five year old. She walked down the stairs in this informing me that it is warm outside and she needs to dress accordingly.


Melissa Bosen said...

I think you look great!! Man, look at those calves! :)

Robertsons said...

That is really funny!