November 24, 2007

The kids think it is pretty neat that Emma is hanging out with them.

November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween! The kids had a blast Trick or Treating. Blake was saying Trick or Treat the whole way up to every house. He liked the idea of getting candy. Shaylee would get the candy run and get in the car and then tell us to hurry up. She didn't want to waste anytime.

Emma was two different things for Halloween. A cheerleader like her sister, but then it was two cold outside, so we found this piglet outfit in the closet. She was quite a cute Piglet and very warm.

Blake, of course, was a dinosaur for Halloween. As you can see he has sharp claws that he had to show in every picture. We had to bribe him in order for him to take his costume off for bed.

Shaylee is a Mizzou Tiger cheerleader or at least that is what we told these Missourians. She really is a Gilbert Tiger Cheerleader. She was doing cheers and hamming it up for the camera. She was looking all around our house for the perfect picture taking spot. I think she did a good job!