March 02, 2009

Baby it's COLD outside

Emma did not like the snow. She came outside and picked up a big handful in her hands then realized it was way too cold. She just started crying and wanted to go back inside. So much for a fun playdate in the snow. Fire here we come!

Blake and Shaylee did not let the cold stop them. We made a little snowman. I don't know how people make snowmen in Missouri. I could not get the snow to stick together. We had to get pitchers of water and pour it on the snow then hurry and form into balls. Utah snow is much better Corene. I think we will stick to snowmen making in Utah. It was hard work for a little amusement. The kiddos loved it though and I guess that is all that matters. It is pretty sad when you have to use little pebbles for the eyes.


Corene said...

What a pitiful snowman. You definitely need to come back to Utah!